Hello my fashion lovers, New York City literally took 20 steps back to December! Where did this cold come from? Weather, can you please stop playing with my feelings? I need you to remain warm so I can be happy! haha --BUT I am fighting it back with this very cozy and warm turtleneck sweater from Express. It's such a perfect fit and what's really great about this turtleneck is that you're able to pull it up so it can protect your neck. Instead of having to put on an extra layer such as a scarf you'll be good to go outside without it. Besides wearing this lovely washed mixture of brown and grey sweater I decided to wear white sophisticated pants. These ankle pants from HM are literally life for me! I can wear them for an office look, casual look, day-to-night look etc You name it and I wear it! I didn't think that another color or black would go with this sweater, it would take the excitement out. Now, how AMAZING are my heel flats from Beacon's Closet? They are brand new and very comfortable. While walking in them I forgot that the heel on them even existed! I love how the colors contradict one another. I really wanted to match my clutch with the shoes, especially since the flats have three colors going on. I picked royal blue because that color always screams excitement to me. Therefore, choosing this Aldo clutch was a great idea for this outfit. Even though the clutch contains a long gold chain that I can place on my shoulder I thought it went better as a box clutch for me to hold. Instead of the clutch just being plain blue the gold lines around the clutch give a marvelous touch to it.
Thanks for stopping by! I will continue having a post every Monday and Thursday at 9:00PM xo Eastern Time
Photos Captured By: Mani Andreone
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